Emergency, Transitional, Transportable, Housing, A Need Home  


We raise funds to from people like you, to house the longest term homeless first.  Please donate or sponsor these expenses.   

(1) The transportable home built overseas to speed up roll out and their set up at $50,000 each.   Company details can be printed on a plark and placed on the Need Home showing your sponsorship. 

(2) Rent free period of up to 12 months for some tenants. $10,000 

(3) Our Administration and set up services $5,000

(4) Rent for the plot of land $5,000pa

Every body Needs a Home!

Quick help for the most Vulnerable

(1) Victims of domestic Violence

(2) First Nation People

(3) Longest term homeless, street or car sleeping 

(4) Disabled or health issues 


Major Sponsors List

Sponsors 1 5 23 2
PDF – 475.7 KB 108 downloads

Click the Download button and download the Sponsors form in PDF format.  There are a few options to Sponsor including pledges with your conditions and considerations. Once filled out email it back to us.   If you need help to fill out the Sponsors form please contact us to walk you through the steps. 


please click the button, to send a tax deductible, donation for us to continue to help house our fellow South Australians.     


Thank you for your kind donation 


Pledges Grants  

please contact us for your kind support


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