House The Homeless, Charity ABN 56693943374

In South Australia, over a thousand people are on the category 1 register for public housing, which means a wait time of many years to be housed.  Need homes will fill in this gap to help the people waiting the longest, by moving into our Crisis care, social housing, Need Homes, till better accommodation comes along.  Such as moving in with a new partner, finding a job and being able to afford private rentals, win a lottery, move in with a family member,  get an inheritance win fall, or their turn finally comes up for public housing.

Many of these Australians, cannot obtain or keep normal private rental, and end up sleeping on the street, in cars, under bridges, in commercial buildings or on their doorsteps, in parklands, and in carparks.  This is due to the high private rents, their social condition such as, no prior rental history, no family support, their age, unable to work due to sickness, or a car accident injury waiting years for an outcome from the CTP insurance company,  aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander, Victim of Domestic violence, Veterans, Defense Force,  over 55's, living with a disabled, out of work or no savings due to a Bankruptcy, Divorce or Loss of job and dealing with addiction. 

We have our own system to assess homeless people, to ensure we identify and help the longest-term homeless tenants, who have the worst living conditions, thus helping the most in need.  We invite many homeless services and organizations to help us identify these people including commercial building owners, night security guard patrols and night cleaners.  We have day and night volunteers who drive around with trailer homes on wheels hooked onto a car to drive around to where the homeless are staying and show the types of homes available, and offer to drive them to one of our multi-site, gated communities that has a vacancy.   They can stay there a few days till we assess their suitability.   

Checks are also done with the normal case manager support services to get a more information of their history and health condition.    Need Homes helps house these people into a temporary crisis emergency house of their own, as quickly as we can.  We hope to raise enough money to supply a Need Home, within a few days or weeks of registering and assessing them.  After a rent free period of up to 12 months, Rents are low, and around  70% of market rental.   Social support services offered to get them back on their feet including food, furniture, cleaning, health, access all the social support available, and Funding donated and sponsored, by caring private, community, charity and Government organizations and individuals.  Our emergency Need Home is where they can live, till they can find better accommodation.   


1.  It's easier for the tenants to get back on their feet, till an affordable rental public housing becomes available,  and be a better employment prospect with a fixed address, and the rent-free period means they can save more money to improve the possibility of raising a deposit for a home of their own. 

2. Less strain on the police, cleaning, security, welfare and health system.   

3.  A safety net for anyone experiencing such a setback in their life.  

4. Less South Australians roaming the streets at night and begging for money. 

5. With their own private Need Home, with free rent up to 12 months, for the first 12 months term, which includes all the amenities of a normal house, such as their own bathroom, toilet, kitchen, air conditioning, and in most case off street carpark, some get fortnightly cleaning, fenced off yard for a small pet,  it is as close to a comfortable home as possible,  and avoids the problems and stress with a multiple tenant share house accommodation or high rise apartment living.  

6.  If you sponsor and donate to buy a need home, you still own the Need Home, but you let us use it for as long as we need it for.  Once we don't need the house anymore, we will offer it back to you.  This means your sponsorship of $50,000 buys a house.   Another investment house for your portfolio and diversification. 

7.  Our Need homes, are mostly sourced from overseas being quicker to supply, fully fitted out with kitchen and bathroom,  and imported within 3 months.  This makes roll out quicker, and reduces the strain on the building construction industry and tradesman.  Speed of roll out is important.  Example, If we were lucky enough to raise $10 million in sponsorship,  we could order 200 Need Homes from many factories in Australia and around the world,  then have them imported and delivered in 3 months to then place them by crane on rented land, all within 4 months of ordering.  To build 200 in South Australia with the current tradesman shortage, it would take 4 years or more and cost us considerably more over  $100 million.    Making our ability to import, quicker to solve the problem of homelessness, and more controllable.   

We will have resources to safety check the imported Need homes to ensure they meet the Australian standards and energy efficiency.  We hope to have a controlled roll out 100 - 200 Need Homes every 6 months to minimize any hiccups in the beginning.  Thus, in the 1st or 2nd year Homelessness should be fixed in South Australia and then this system could be used interstate or overseas there after.    Bringing in another initiative from South Australia to solve a world wide problem.     

8. No need to increase migration of tradesmen to build our Need Homes as they are built overseas, many countries are mass producing many wonderful mini transportable homes.  Just like how we buy our cars from overseas, we can now import complete homes from overseas. 

9. South Australia is the best state in Australia to test our Need Home roll out, as the government has passed new laws to allow more local councils to allow small transportable homes and granny flats to be rented out in peoples back yards for the long term. 

10..  If our tenants eventually move out to better accommodation, and we are left with an oversupply of Need Homes at any one stage in the future, these could be stockpiled and used for any future natural disasters, such as floods or bushfires or mass migration or refugees fleeing overseas wars and tragedy.  

11. This is your opportunity to give back to a country that has helped us prosper,  help the less fortunate, and join a quest to implement a new solution to fix the homeless problem, and rental crisis.

12. They say giving, gives more pleasure than receiving.  Join our challenge of eliminating homelessness and feel the appreciation of many less fortunate than yourself. 

13. Adelaide has already been recognized as one of the best cities in the world,  our economy and living conditions can further improve,   which will improve the value of our homes and economy, if we tackle problems that still exist,  such as homelessness and Ambulance ramping.   Donate now to help us solve the homeless problem which will improve South Australia. 


on behalf of all the struggling homeless people, thankyou for your kind donations. 


We can only do this, with your sponsorship, donation and support!